Szczury dwu kolejnych pokoleń, karmione paszą standardową zawierającą 10% popiołów węglowych, poddano badaniu masy ciała w pierwszej dobie życia i co tydzień przez 12-15 tygodni. Opracowane statystycznie wyniki wykazały w pierwszych 6 tyg. życia istotnie wyższą masę ciała szczurów pozostających na diecie z dodatkiem popiołów w porównaniu z grupą szczurów kontrolnych (pasza standardowa). W dalszych tygodniach życia nie stwierdzono wpływu paszy na masę ciała badanych zwierząt.
Food is often contaminated by environmental pollutants which may adversely affect the organism. Therefore, we decided to investigate the effect of the fodder containing coal ashes on body weight of two successive generations of young rats. Random-selected adult Wistar rats (Group I) received granular fodder containing 10% coal ashes. After 2 months of the experiment, the animals were mated for procreation and continued being mainained on the same diet. The young generation of rats (F1) and the next generation (F2) were also maintained on the same experimental diet. The consecutive generations (F1 and F2) of control rats (Group II) received standard granular fodder. All young rats were weighed at birth and once every week until the age of 12-15 weeks. The results of the determinations were statistically processed using Student t test. Significantly higher values of body mass were found in the test animals (Group I) during 6 weeks of life in both generations of the animals. During the next weeks of life, statistically significant differences in body mass were not detected. The use of the fodder containing 10% coal ashes did nod significantly affect the number of young animals, their viability, or their body mass after sixth week of life.