Instytut Warzywnictwa, ul.Konstytucji 3 Maja 1/3, 96-100 Skierniewice
[1] Bazelet M. 1998. Israel and Israeli Agriculture. ARO, CINADCO, the Volcani Center, Bet Dagan, Israel: 1-23.
[2] Bazelet M., Fallik E. 1999. Research and Development in Post Harvest Physiology, Pathology and Handling of Fresh Commodities, International Course, Institute of Technology and Storage of Agricultural Products, the Volcani Center, Bet Dagan, Israel: 1-14.
[3] Institute for Technology and Storage of Agricultural Products 1998. Scientific Activities 1993-1996. Special Publication no. 260. Depart. of Scientific Publications, the Volcani Center, Bet Dagan, Israel: 105-305.