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2004 | 07 |

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Bilans fosforu i potasu na gruntach ornych i uzytkach zielonych w gospodarstwach mlecznych

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The aim of the paper was to compare and evaluate the level of phosphorus and potassium balance in dairy farms depending on the method of balance calculation. The study included 78 farms which specialise in milk production situated in the commune of Chorzele, in the northern part of the province of Mazovia, in the Orzyc and Omulew river basin. One of the features of the region is a high proportion (over 50%) of permanent grassland in the agriculturally utilised area. All analysed farms had a high proportion of permanent grassland (over 68% on average) in the agriculturally utilised area. The average farm area was around 20 ha. The average livestock density per hectare of utilised area was 1.05 of cattle unit. The average milk productivity of cows was about 3 thousand kg. The farms were characterised by a high level of intensity of animal production organisation Iz. The population of farms under study showed a slight positive balance surplus of phosphorus and potassium, both in a field (7.3-17.2 kg ha⁻¹ P and 1 1.7-50.3 kg ha⁻¹ K), and in the whole farm (11.6 kg P and 50.0 kg ha⁻¹ K). It was also found that phosphorus and potassium were better balanced in grassland than in arable land. The average effectiveness of utilisation of these fertiliser components in meadows and pastures amounted to as much as 73% P and 91.8% K. A strong correlation was shown between the intensity of animal production organisation and the balance of phosphorus and potassium in arable land: as a result, the development of animal production in the region may generale a further balance surplus of phosphorus and potassium in arable land.






Opis fizyczny



  • Uniwersytet Warminsko-Mazurski, ul.Oczapowskiego 8, 10-744 Olsztyn


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