Seedlings of various provenances and progenies were greenhouse grown in sand cultures with different levels of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium. The first experiment tested 20 provenances and the next studied 45–50 half-sib families of 9–10 provenances to establish the interaction between Picea abies genotypes and nutrition levels. Spruces of various origins differed in their nutrient requirements. In particular, seedlings from Wisła and Istebna grew better at smaller phosphorus levels. The genotype × environment interactions were significant for numerous traits when seedlings were grown at different levels of nitrogen, phosphorus and calcium, and for a few traits for potassium. The proportion of variance explained by interaction was small. Generally, the interactions were significant for a greater number of traits at progeny level than at provenance level. The results suggest that it is possible to select genotypes which are suitable for specific site conditions and genotypes which are stable over a wide range of nutrition levels.