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2006 | 09 | 1 |

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Comparison of use value of purebred Arabian horses raised in different breeding centers in the years 1924-1977

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Tested were 1788 purebred Arabian fillies and colts raced during the following periods: I (seasons 1927-1939), II (seasons 1946-1961) and III (seasons 1962-1992). There were divided into groups according to quantities of horses submitted to performance trials (more than 20 heads, 5-20 and less than 5 ones). It was found, that in greater herds more often occurred extreme values of coefficients of success per head. The highest value was observed in the I period and resulted 1.73.








Opis fizyczny


  • Agricultural Academy of Lublin, Szczebrzeska 102, 22-400 Zamosc, Poland


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