Badania przeprowadzono na 44 szczepach Staphylococcus haemolyticus pochodzących z próbek materiału klinicznego pobranych od pacjentów hospitalizowanych na Oddziale Chirurgii. Analizowano następujące czynniki warunkujące chorobotwórczość szczepów S. haemolyticus: wytwarzanie śluzu, adhezję do biomateriałów, wrażliwość na antybiotyki oraz profil białek powierzchniowych.
The study have been done on S. haemolyticus strains isolated from patients hospitalized an Surgical Unit. Aim of the study was to determine pathogenic traits of S. haemolyticus: slime producing, adhesion to biomateriale, antibiotics susceptibility and the profiles of surface proteins. Among 44 S. haemolyticus strains, in the test-tube method, there have been 38% labeled as slime producing and 62% as non-producing. In the plate method at 48% slime production was noticed, while 52% strains did not produce slime. It is quite significant that all CNS strains which have an ability to produce mucus, that was proved by means of two methods (test-tube and plate), show a high level of TTC's reduction to formazan. The analysis of resistance to antibiotics in relation to slime production demonstrated more frequent antibiotic resistance of the slime-producing strains.