Badano wpływ doustnego 8 tyg. narażenia szczurów na rtęć (150 mg/dm3 w przeliczeniu na czysty metal) wprowadzana do ustroju w postaci roztworu HgCl2 na tkankowe stężenia magnezu, wapnia i krzemu. W większości tkanek stwierdzono statystycznie istotne zmiany w przypadku ste˛z˙enia magnezu i wapnia, natomiast nie zaobserwowano zmian w ste˛z˙eniu krzemu.
This study addresses the problem of environmental and occupational exposures to mercury compounds and their effect on the bioavailability of selected elements, such as magnesium, calcium and silicon. Those are elements important for the humans, as they play a crucial role in many aspects of metabolism, and changes in their levels may lead to the development of some disorders. Twenty male Wistar rats were used in the experiment. They were divided into two groups, one receiving 150 mgl Hg as HgCl2, while the other (control) received redistilled water. The chronic mercury poisoning during 8 weeks decreased the levels of magnesium and calcium, while the cha ges in silicon concentration were insignificant.