W ziarnie soi i jej wybranych produktach oznaczono zawartość wody, opiołu, białka, węglowodanów, tłuszczu, fosforu ogólnego i fitynowego. Oznaczenia przeprowadzono za pomocą metod stosowanych w analizie żywności.
The continuing search for a diet which would ensure healthy nutrition at low energy intake, containing the full range of the necessary aminoacids, vitamins and microelements has caused that much attention is paid to vegetable food products, such as e.g. soybean. Soybean and its products have been shown to contain much protein of high nutritive value, very small amounts of fats with no cholesterol; they are also known to be of some therapeutic value. Soybean and its products, such as soybean flour, soybean flakes, moulded soybean, soybean noodle, goulash, tripe, cheese (tofu), soybean drink, and other soybean products were tested. The contents of substances contributing to the nutritive value of the product, such as protein, carbohydrates, raw fat, ash, total phosphorus and phytin phosphorus, were determined. The energy value of the study products was calculated and compared with the corresponding values quoted by the manufacturers. Soybean is used to make various preparations which, depending on their intended use, are characterised by different chemical composition. The results show that dietary energy intake can be made considerably lower by replacing conventional animal meat products with soybean products. Thus, soybean may be considered to be an excellent replacement for animal meat. Considering their high nutritive value and their content of chemicals (genistein, daidgein) showing some therapeutic activity, soybean-based food products should be included in everybody's diet.