W wybranych ziołach i herbatach ziołowo-owocowych oraz w wyciągach wodnych z tych preparatów (w naparach lub odwarach) oznaczono zawartość żelaza i manganu metodą absorpcyjnej spektrometrii atomowej. Stwierdzono, że napary lub odwary wykonane z ziół i herbat nie zagrażają zdrowiu i mogą stanowić dodatkowe źródło tych pierwiastków dla organizmu człowieka.
The aim of this study was the determination iron and manganese contents in selected herbs, herbal-fruit teas and their water extracts. The samples were mineralized at temperature of 450°C. The iron and manganese contents were determined by atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) directly from the mineralizates using SOLAAR M5 appliance produced by a US-based Thermo Elemental. The iron contents in dry herbs ranged, at average, from 97,66 to 348,65 µg/g and from 48,95 to 118,40 |ig/g in herbal-fruit teas, the manganese contents from 43,25 to 604,80 µg/g in herbs and from 106,75 to 197,00 µg/g in herbal-fruit teas. The iron and manganese contents in dry herbs were comparable to results obtained by authors of the other papers. Infusions and decoctions of the examined herbsand herbal-fruit teas contain the amounts of these elements that do not harm the health and may constitute an additional source of iron and manganese for the human organism.