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2007 | 66 | 1 |

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Secular changes in the physical development of students of the Medical University of Lodz

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This study analyses, using selected somatometric features, secular trend changes which have occurred over a quarter of a century in female and male students of the Medical University of Łódź. The study is based on the results of an anthropometric survey carried out among first-year students who commenced their studies in the academic years 1978/79 (240 females and 193 males), 1982/83 (347 females and 188 males), 1988/89 (178 females and 165 males) and 2003/04 (188 females and 77 males). The following features were examined in all participants in the survey: body height (B-v), the height of the lower body segment measured from a floor base to the crista iliaca at the point on the mid-axillary line (B-ic), shoulder width (a-a), intertrochanteric distance (tro-tro) and resting chest circumference. To compare average values Student’s t-test was used with assumptions of equal and unequal variances. To gauge the magnitude of changes in specific features in the course of a quarter of a century a percentage difference in results was calculated for the years 2003/2004 and 1978/1979. The basis for the calculations was the initial value of a feature at the beginning of the period analysed. It was determined that in the 25-year period analysed (1978–2003) the young people commencing studies at the Medical University of Łódź exhibited an acceleration in the height of the lower body segment (B-ic) and of the intertrochanteric distance (tro-tro) and a deceleration in resting chest circumference. Additionally, an increase in shoulder width has been noted in female students; no significant intergenerational changes were noted in body height, although the last 15 years display certain symptoms of deceleration; there is an emerging tendency towards a blurring of the differences in body proportions between the sexes in the environment of the young people studying at the Medical University of Łódź.









Opis fizyczny



  • University of Lodz, Lodz, Poland


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