This work aimed to establish correlation between concentration of zinc, copper and calcium in seminal plasma and characteristics of semen of stallions of various breeds (Thoroughbred -TB, Great Polish Horses -GPH, Polish Primitive Horses -PPH) and aged (≤ 11 years, > 11 years, > 14 years ). Measurements revealed interbreed differences in the concentration of zinc (TB:GPH, TB:PPH), copper (PPH:TB) and calcium (GPH:TB) in the seminal plasma of stallions. No age-dependent alterations in the element concentrations of plasma were found in stallions. There was a significantly (P<0.05) positive correlation between zinc and copper concentrations in the seminal plasma (PPH) and a positive correlation between selected characteristics of stallion semen, especially between zinc and concentration of spermatozoa, (GPH, PPH, stallions ≤ 11 years of age, > 11 years, all stallions), between calcium and spermatozoa with secondary changes (GPH, stallions ≤ 11 years of age, all stallions) and also a negative correlation between copper concentration and motile- and live spermatozoa (TB, GPH, stallions > 11 years of age, all stallions).