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The occurrence of Gastroidea viridula Deg. and Gastroidea polygoni L. [Col. Chrysomelidae] on Rumex confertus Willd. as biological representatives of weed population control


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Weeds are harmful organisms connected with human activities; therefore there is a need for their control. Human development and mobility have caused on purpose or purely incidental introduction of plants, exotic very often, to new sites and ecosystems. A dominating method of weed control is applying chemicals. However, chemical compounds are often of low selectivity, they also contaminate the environment and become ineffective quickly because of acquired resistance of treated organisms. The control of Rumex confertus Willd. and other weeds of the genus Rumex spp. is often not possible because of economical reasons. Large areas abundant in sorrel populations would require a large sum of money invested in expensive chemical control. Biological methods of weed control look far more promising solution to this problem. Rumex confertus Willd. is a plant corresponding to criteria to qualify it as an object for biological regulation. The objective of the study was to evaluate dynamic of population and development of the insects of the genera Gastroidea spp. (Gastroidea viridula Deg. and Gastroidea polygoni L.) occurring on Rumex confertus Willd.
Chwasty są szkodliwymi organizmami, których nie można lekceważyć. Dominującym sposobem walki z nimi są metody chemiczne. Zbyt duże stosowanie chemikaliów powoduje jednak nierzadko skażenie środowiska, a także uaktywnianie się agrofagów dotąd nieszkodliwych. Pewną alternatywą w związku z tym wydaje się być wykorzystywanie do walki z niektórymi chwastami owadów. Jednym z takich chwastów, które mogą być poddane biologicznemu zwalczaniu jest Rumex confertus Willd.








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  • University of Technology and Agriculture, Kordeckiego 20, 85-225 Bydgoszcz, Poland


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