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1995 | 19 | 1 |

Tytuł artykułu

Nowe prawo wodne - zalozenia systemowe


Warianty tytułu

The new water law-systemic assumptions

Języki publikacji



Projekt ustawy Prawo wodne proponuje wdrożenie w polskim systemie prawnym nowego modelu zarządzania zasobami wodnymi, dzięki któremu powinno nastąpić zracjonalizowanie i zoptymalizowanie gospodarki wodnej oraz uspołecznienie procesów decyzyjnych dotyczących rozwoju tej dziedziny życia gospodarczego i społecznego. Stan zasobów wodnych stanowi istotną barierę dla rozwoju gospodarczego poszczególnych regionów, a konieczność ochrony tych zasobów i przywrócenia ich pożądanej ilości i jakości zwiększa rodzaj i zakres ograniczeń dotyczących możliwości efektywnego wykorzystania przestrzeni.
The problems involved in the use of water resources are regulated by the provisions of the Water Law of October 24, 1974, which institute the legal, organizational and economic principles in the scope of: 1) water ownership, 2) types of water resource use and obtaining the right to this use, 3) the permitting procedure, within which water use permits are issued for special use of waters and water structures, 4) protection of water resources from pollution, including the conditions imposed on waste water discharges into the environment and the principles of the protection of waters used for supplies to the population, 5) water conservation, drainage and flood control, 6) economic tools in water management. Water resources arc managed in the system of administrative division of the country (49 voivodships) by voivodes, who authorize, in the form of water permits, the individual use of waters and water structures. The State levies charges (and fines when exploitation contravenes specified conditions) for the use of waters and water structures, which are administered by the National Fund of Environmental Protection and Water Management, and voivodship and gmina funds of enevironmental protection and water management, allocating the funds collected for water management projects. The draft Water Law proposes that a new model water resource management should be enforced in the Polish legal system, owing to which water management would be rationalized and optimized, and the public would have more say in decision-making processes relating to the development of this field of economic and social life. The state of water resources is an essential barrier to the economic development of particular regions; the necessity of protecting these resources and restoring their desired quantity and quality enhances the type and range of restrictions imposed on the possibility of efficient use of space. The authors of the draft law believe that the management model proposed - basin-ba- sed, involving the public and managed on the basis of conditions set for the use of waters in the catchment area - should efficiently supplement and co-create the system of physical development. For not only does it apply mechanisms which limit the scope of using space, but also proposes broadly conceived programming and planning in water management, which should contribute to giving direction to economic development and rational planning of land management.

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Opis fizyczny



  • Ministerstwo Ochrony Srodowiska, Zasobow naturalnych i Lesnictwa, ul.Wawelska 52/54, 00-922 Warszawa


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