W pracy wykazano korzyści zdrowotne i żywieniowe wynikające z konsumpcji chleba pszennego z dodatkiem 10, 12 i 13% zmielonych nasion lnu oleistego. W badanych chlebach oznaczono: zawartość białka ogółem, zawartość tłuszczu surowego, profil kwasów tłuszczowych, zawartość włókna surowego i pokarmowego oraz zawartość niektórych makro- i mikroelementów.
It was shown which health and nutritional benefits could be potentially provided by consumption of wheat bread with supplement of 10, 12 and 13 % of milled flax seeds. Levels of proteins, raw lipids, raw and dietary fibre as well as of some macro and microelements were checked in the studied breads. In all breads with addition of flax seeds higher total protein content was found (in case of 13% supplement by 1,4%) as well as higher content of P, K, Zn and twice as much Mg and Cu. With percentage of flax seeds in bread rising from 10 to 13% raw fat level was growing by 3,0-4,8% which was accompanied by change in fatty acids profile, where 8-9 fold increase of linolenic acid could be observed as compared to standard bread. Also dietary value of breads with flax seeds was higher due to their enrichment in raw and dietary fibre, which in case of 13% supplement was 3 and 5 times respectively.