In July 2002, 33 000 ha of pine forest in north-eastern Poland were hit by a hurricane. Since spring 2003, a survey on carabid assemblages inhabiting the damaged stands has been carried out. The Carabidae fauna of affected stands in the Pisz Forest District was compared with that of non-affected stands in the Maskulińskie Forest District. In both stand types 15 plots in 5 age classes were established (3 plots in each class): class I (2040 years old), II (4050), III (5060), IV (6080) and V (above 80 years old). The disturbance contributed to a profound decrease in carabid abundance, although carabid species richness was significantly higher in the damaged stands compared to the control ones. Both a cluster analysis and CCA analysis clearly distinguished between the post-hurricane and control assemblages. The hurricane considerably reduced the proportion of forest European autumn breeding and hygrophilous species individuals in carabid assemblages. Moreover, a marked decline in MIB (Mean Individual Biomass) and SPC (Sum of Progressive Characteristics) index in the disturbed stands was observed. An inverse trend was noticed for hemizoophages, open-habitat and xerophilous species individuals, which increased in abundance significantly in stand openings. The most pronounced differences were recorded in 2006.