Oznaczono zawartość wanadu we włosach studentów Akademii Medycznej w Białymstoku. Dokonano próby oceny związku pomiędzy poziomem wanadu we włosach a stanem odżywienia badanych ocenianym na podstawie wskaźnika masy ciała BMI. Wykazano wyższą zawartość wanadu we włosach studentek niż studentów oraz ujemną istotną statystycznie korelacje pomiędzy zawartością wanadu we włosach studentek a stanem odżywienia ocenianym na podstawie BMI.
The aim of the study was to determine the vanadium content in the hair of students of the Medical University of Białystok and to find out whether its level in the organism measured basing on its hair content correlates with the nutritional status. The study involved 134, 127 and 125 students in the years 2000-2003, respectively. Hair vanadium content was determined using the atomic absorption spectrophometry method with atomization in a graphite cuvette (ET AAS) on a Hitachi Z-5000 apparatus. The nutritional status was evaluated based on the body mass index BMI. Higher vanadium content was detected in the hair of female students compared to male students. Negative correlation was noted between vanadium content in the hair of female students and their nutritional status.