Detection of Mycobacterium paratuberculosis (MAP) in tissues of patients suffering from Crohn's disease has given rise to speculation that this mycobacterium may play some role in the development of this disease in humans. Food products, especially milk obtained from animals infected with paratuberculosis, may be a potential vector of MAP to humans, yet the detection of this pathogen poses a number of difficulties. This study was aimed at comparing the effectiveness of MAP isolation from milk samples. Mycobacteria were detected by means of two methods: direct isolation of DNA using a QIAamp DNA Mini Kit by Qiagen, and a culture method with the use of HEYM culture medium. Analyses were carried out on 87 samples of udder cow milk originating from a herd that exhibited seropositive and serodoubtful reactions against paratuberculosis. The presence of an insertion sequence IS-900 was detected in 18 samples of udder milk analyzed with the method of direct DNA isolation and in two samples analyzed by means of the culture method.