The transformation and changes in the organization of farms in 4 regions of Southern Poland (Cracow, Tarnów, Nowy Sącz and Bielsko) during the period 1988-1996 have been analyzed. The agriculture of these regions has been formed in the course of a long historical development process and is a very specific one. The agricultural farms of Southern Poland are very small (average ca 3 ha) and the rural areas there are overpopulated. In last years the agrarian structure of Southern Poland has not improved. This difficult situation demands a very good organization of plant and animal production in order to adapt the agriculture of Southern Poland to the standards of the European Union. As far as the future chances of development are concerned many farmers of the analyzed regions (59%) formulated pessimistic opinions and fears, only few of them (15%) were optimists. Active regionally diversifted state policy is needed in order to stimulate multifunctional rural and agricultural development and to help the local rural population in its activities.