We observed, both in the leaves and roots of the vegetables examined, that the concentration of fluoride was in each case higher in vegetable samples in Łosień, 6 km from the “Katowice” Steel Works (fluorine emitters), than in the vegetable samples grown in Nowy Sącz, 200 km from the “Katowice” Steel Works (in the area of relatively low fluorine pollution). The highest F content was characteristic of beet (Beta vulgaris) leaves and root samples, the lower one was found in celery (Apium graveolens) leaves and root samples and the lowest one in savoy (Brassica oleracea) leaf samples. The highest and lowest F- concentrations in the leaf samples examined was c.a. 33 mg/kg D.W. (beet leaves from Łosień of 1995) and c.a. 11 mg/kg D.W. (savoy leaves from Nowy Sącz of 1996). Moreover, it was found that the observed growth of F- concentration in the savoy leaf samples, both from Łosień and Nowy Sącz, correlated with an increase of nitrogen concentration in them.