W badaniach przeprowadzonych na szczurach oznaczano zawartości pierwiastków śladowych Cu i Zn w erytrocytach i w wątrobie, a także prześledzono metabolizm seleninu sodowego podawanego szczurom przez przewód pokarmowy.
Experiments were conducted on Wistar rats intoxicated with nitroso-alpha-naphthol in a dose of 3 mg/kg body weight/day (aqueous solution in drinking water) for 8 month, and treated with sodium selenite (0.5 mg/kg body weight/day) to investigate copper and zinc content in erythrocytes and the liver of animals. Metals concentrations were assayed during the first, fourth, and eight month of tests. A successive increase of erythrocyte and liver copper content in the course of the experiment, and a successive decrease of erythrocyte and liver zinc level, was observed. Sodium selenite when administered to rats through the alimentary tract, was found to undergo transformation to organic form and incorporation into protein causing substantial increase of glutathione peroxidase activity and protecting the liver against toxic action of nitroso compounds.