Zbadano 3418 próbek soli spożywczej, w tym 2440 próbek soli jodowanej. Odsetek próbek, w których stwierdzono właściwą zawartość jodku potasowego wynosił od 30% do 50% w zależności od producenta soli.
The purpose of the study was to assess the correctness of salt iodination and its distribution in Poland. The subject of the study was salt for human consumption iodinated or not, according to Polish norm PN-88/C-84081/02 „Sól (chlorek sodowy). Requirements. Salt samples were taken from retail shops or stores in 36 provinces. The study was carried out in the years 1992-1993 according to PN-80/C-84081.35 „Sól (chlorek sodowy) standard. Potassium iodide was determined by photo-colorimetry. The total number of studied salt samples was 3418, including 2440 samples of iodinated salt. The per cent of samples with proper content of potassium iodide was from 30% to 50% depending on the producer. The study demonstrated that in most cases the process of salt iodination is done incorrectly.