Atrophic rhinitis is a disease of high economic impact for pig production, caused by Pasteurella multocida (P.m.) strains able to produce dermonecrotoxin (DNT). In general the diagnosis of pigs’ infection with P.m. is based on the direct detection of bacteria from nasal swabs and their identification as well as on the detection of DNT specific antibodies by using an ELISA test. The aim of the study was the elaboration of a PCR test for the detection of dermonecrotic strains of P.m. directly in nasal swabs. The optimalization of the process includes: estimation of Mg²⁺ concentration, the temperature of primer hybridization and the number of cycles. The specificity and sensitivity of the test was estimated for both bacterial culture and nasal swabs. The optimal conditions were as follow: Mg²⁺ concentration - 2.5 m M/reaction; the temperature of primers hybridization - 56°C; and the number of cycles - 50. The sensitivity of the test for both the culture and nasal swabs was 2.5 × 10³ cfu/ml. The test was also highly specific - the product of 501 bp was detected only in the samples containing DNA of P.m. Summarizing, the elaborated test was specific and sensitive enough to be used for routine detection of P.m. DNT strains in clinical samples and for the elimination of the carriers from the herd.