Some subgroups of big, well differentiated and on the whole rather dissimilar genera Paracupta, Iridotaenia, Metataenia, Chalcoplia and Cyphogastra, as well as the monotypie genus Periorisma, show a striking resemblance to one another and to the newly established Mroczkowskia (type-speeies: Chrysodema artensis Montrouzier), making an informal assemblage - the "Mroczkowskia-knot". As all the remaining members of the Chrysochroina represent extensions or branches of the morphoclines leading from Mroczkowskia to the above-mentioned taxa, the Mroczkowskia-knot appears - in terms of phylogeny - as evolutionary "crossroads" ancestral to nearly all living representatives of the subtribe (the exception is Chalcoplia, hypothesized to be the direct ancestor of Mroczkowskia). One of the conclusions of the proposed tentative reconstruction of genealogical tree of the Chrysochroina and Chalcophorina is the reversal of their traditionally accepted relations: the former seems to be a descendant, rather than ancestor, of the latter. Besides Mroczkowskia, the subgenera Paramroczkowskia (type-species: Paracupta aeneicollis Saunders) of Paracupta; Platymroczkowskia (type-species: Chrysodema albivittis Hope), Leptomroczkowskia (type-species: Paracupta bellicosa Blackburn) and Iridomroczkowskia (type-species: Iridotaenia sulcifera Saunders) of Iridotaenia; Chalcomroczkowskia (type-species: Paracupta aurofoveata Saunders) of Chalcoplia; and Metamroczkowskia (type-species: Iridotaenia clotildae Gestro) of Metataenia are described as new.