Instytut Papiernictwa i Poligrafii, Politechnika Łódzka
[1] Kipphan H.: Handbuch der Printmedien. Berlin: Springerverlag, 2000.
[2] Abhay Sharma: Zrozumieć Color Managament. Ergo BTL, 2006.
[3] ISO 12647-7:2007. Graphic technology - Process control for the production of half-tone colour separations, proof and production prints - Part 7: Proofing processes working directly from digital data.
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[5] Colorproof XF na IPA Color Profing RoundUP. Visual Communication, nr 8, 2007.
[6] ABC odbitki próbnej. Świat druku, nr 4-9, 2006.