Upon inducing 166 super ovulations the effect of FSH-P (Schering) and Folicotropin (Spofa) on the effects of super ovulation and number of embryos was estimated in Limousine (60 super ovulations), Aberdeen-angus (43 super ovulations) and black and white (63 super ovulations) cows using an analysis of multipartial regression. The effect of super ovulation measured by the number of luteal corpuscles on ovaries depended on the breed of the cow (p=0.0145) and the preparativ used (p=0.0195). The best results were obtained after the application of Folicotropin. The number of the obtained cells was comparable after the use of the two examined preparatives, whereas the number of embryos useful for transfer was higher in the meat type of cows than in the black and white breed (p=0.0130). In conclusion, the value of the two examined preparatives for embryo transfer is equal. In choosing a preparative differences in the sensitivity of cows to gonadotrophins should be borne in mind.