Endangered and threatened plants in the part of the territory of the projected Spiski Landscape Park (Pogórze Spiskie foothills, Polish Western Carpathians). Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica Polonica 11(2): 281–286. Kraków. PL ISSN 1640-629X. ABSTRACT: The paper includes a list of 60 endangered, threatened or rare species of vascular plants (both native and alien ones), found in the area of Pogórze Spiskie foothills in the years 1999–2003. The list comprises: 12 species threatened or rare within the whole Poland, 42 – within the area of the Polish Carpathians and 6 species who have “double” status (one of them – Orchis ustulata L. subsp. ustulata belongs to endangered species (E) in the whole Poland).