Cultivated potato, Solanum tuberosum L., is a tetraploid species (4x = 2n = 48). Majority of wild potato species, known as a source of genetic variation desired in breeding, are diploid (2x = 2n = 24). Expanded studies on utilization of diploid potato in breeding and research started in the 60-ties. This review article presented advantages and disadvantages of utilizing diploid potatoes in potato breeding and genetic studies. After describing major models of analytical breeding the detailed program was given concerning recombination breeding at the diploid level performed at Młochów Research Center, Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute (IHAR). Genetic studies conducted on diploid potatoes are related to inheritance of chosen characters, somatic hybridization, mapping the potato genome and marker assisted selection. Examples given came from the research carried out at Młochów Research Center, IHAR.