W badaniach wazonowych z użyciem cynku znakowanego izotopem Zn⁶⁵ stwierdzono, że pszenica, ziemniaki i fasola nagromadzały w plonach 5-krotnie więcej tego pierwiastka pobierając go przez liście, niż przez korzenie z gleby. Marchew pobierała podobne ilości poprzez liście i z gleby, a cebula 2-krotnie więcej z gleby. Cynk nanoszony na liście pszenicy jarej przemieszczał się dynamicznie przez 47 dni przy czym nie było różnicy w pobraniach z dolnej i górnej strony liścia.
In pot experiments were studed accumulation values of zinc traced isotope of ⁶⁵Zn in main and secondary crops of spring w heat, potato, onion, carrtot and navy bean. There were compared uptake values from roots and leaves. In the experiment with spring wheat was inwestigated of the traced Zn application to up and down leaf sides. Results can be helpful to estimate of different fertilization methods with this microelement as well as contamination yields by means of this metal in emission intensified zone. There was stated that wheat, potato and navy bean have responded the highest increase of zinc accumulation in the main crop with application to the leaves the onion and carrot with application to soil. The greatest uptake dynamics of the zinc by wheat in the 10 Feakes phase appears between the 4 and 8 day after contaminated the leaves however it has no difference in the uptake from up and down leaf side.