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2002 | 54 | 3 |

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Wystepowanie grzybow w kale u dzieci

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W pracy wykonano analizę ilościową i jakościową flory mykologicznej w przewodzie pokarmowym dzieci z nieswoistymi dolegliwościami przewodu pokarmowego oraz u dzieci z zewnątrzpochodną i wewnątrzpochodną astmą oskrzelową. Oceniono również oporność wyizolowanych grzybów na leki przeciwgrzybicze.
A total of 258 children were tested for the presence of fungi in stool. One group consisted of 148 children with non-specific gastrointestinal tract disorders while the other was a group of 110 asthmatics. A quantitative method of enzymatic and mechanical homogenisation was used. The findings were divided into three ranges as follows: < 103, 103-105, > 105 fungal cells in one gram of stool. The number of > 105 fungal cells in one gram of stool was considered as pathogenic and requiring treatment. Such a number of fungi in stool was found in 48.1% of children in the first group and in 35.9% in the second one. However, the percentage of fungal presence was higher in the group of asthmatics (83,6% vs. 70.3%). Candida albicans considerably outnumbered the remaining fungal species in the isolates. It was found out that other than C. albicans Candida species were more resistant to the antifungals.








Opis fizyczny



  • Uniwersytet Jagiellonski, Krakow


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