Pinus sylvestris seedlings grown in containers in a peat-vermiculite substrate were inoculated with vegetative inoculum of 11 strains Rhizopogon roseolus (Corda.) Th. M. Fries. Seeds were germinated in May 2006. Five months after germination the seedlings were evaluated for their growth and development and ectomycorrhizal frequency. There were significant differences between trait seedlings P. sylvestris inoculated 11 strains used in this experiments. The highest mean values of height and steam diameter were obtained with seedlings inoculated with strain G fungus R. roseolus. There were no significant differences between dry weight seedlings inoculated all strains. R. roseolus formed ectomycorrhizae on 100% of the inoculated plants at all variants. The highest colonization of short roots were obtained with seedlings inoculated with strain D this fungus (29%). There were destined strains D, G and I fungus R. roseolus to further studies.