W pracy przedstawiono wyniki analizy zróżnicowania wydajności pracy w rolnictwie polskim na tle rolnictwa UE-15 oraz wyniki analizy zróżnicowania wydajności pracy w gospodarstwach rolnych objętych systemem rachunkowości rolnej IERiGŻ. Wydajność pracy postrzegano w kotekście jej poziomu mierzonego wartością dodaną oraz w kontekście zróżnicowanej dynamiki wartości dodanej i liczby pełnozatrudnionych.
The labour productivity is one of the most important development parameters of economies. It determines the production costs, supply of cheaper goods and services, dynamics of the market and the purchasing power of societies, their wealth and competitive abilities. As a result of both historical background and effects of an economic transformation, the labour productivity in Polish agriculture is very low. Moreover generally low and stable level of the labour productivity is held at lower abilities to generate the economic surplus and falling agricultural employment. Better effects of economic transformation is characteristic for 651 farms involved in agricultural accountancy system carried by Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics – National Research Institute. In this group the average growth of labour productivity achieved almost 68% and it was a result of over 26% increase in the value added and over 10% of reduction of work expenditures. This effect in the examined group was reached by 63% farms increasing the labour productivity, 29% farms reducing the labour productivity and 8% keeping the labour productivity at constant level.