W artykule przedstawiono podstawy metodyczne opracowania planu ochrony o ograniczonym zakresie merytorycznym określonym jako program minimum. Podstawowe założenia takiego programu to: - bazowanie na istniejącej wiedzy o parku, - opracowanie wyłącznie operatu generalnego zawierającego: - kierunki strategicznych działań dla ochrony i kształtowania krajobrazu ze wskazaniem podmiotów odpowiedzialnych za ich realizację, - określenie potrzeb w zakresie uzupełniania bazy danych o parku oraz sporządzania operatów szczegółowych i problemowych, - zakres merytoryczny planu ochrony.
A survey with landscape part managers has shown a great interest in a broader public debate on conservation plans, the presentation and publication of completed plans and on the minimum requirements for such conservation plans. The article presents the methodology of developing conservation plans within what may be described as minimum content requirements. Major parameters for developing conservation plans are: - Existing knowledge of the part; - Development of a general management strategy which identifies: - Strategies of landscape and nature conservation and the responsible organisations; - Park data base needs and the required detailed or problem-specific strategies. The process of building a general strategy has two major phases: (1) diagnosis and (2) landscape management and conservation strategies. The diagnosis of the current position should provide an answer to the basic questions: what, where and to what extent should be protected in the part and what are the threats, conflicts and problems? The development of a landscape management and conservation strategy involves four major steps: - Identify landscape management and conservation objectives; - Design policies to achieve these objectives; - Identify needs for and sequence of detailed or problem-specific strategies; - Develop a summary plan. The summary plan is a narrative and graphic document approved by a Voivode. The summary must contain: - List of activities which are critical for: - Implementing the landscape management and conservation strategies; - Furthering educational efforts; - Improving the knowledge of the park - Developing detailed or problem-specific strategies; - List of areas where the activities should be placed; - List of organisations/agencies responsible for implementation. The conservation plan approved by the Voivode by way of ordinance becomes law which is enforced by the Voivode through voivodship agencies. The most responsible agency for implementing the plan is the regional Environmental Protection Department which acts through the Park Authority. Other regional agencies are also involved, e.g. Spatial Planning Department, Construction and Architecture Department, Heritage Conservation Department, Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, Tourism and other. Notably, the success of plan implementation will heavily depend on whether the plan itself has identified organisations and agencies responsible for its implementing projects and policies.