Oznaczanie debryzochiny i jej metabolitu 4-hydroksydebryzochiny w moczu metodą chromatografii gazowej, jako test laboratoryjny, umożliwiający wykrywanie osób genetycznie uwarunkowanych predyspozycją do występowania choroby nowotworowej w warunkach ekspozycji zawodowej i środowiskowej.
The last few years have witnessed intensive research into the problem of laboratory diagnostics to identify individuals with a genetically determined susceptibility to cancer under conditions of occupational or environmental exposure to chemical carcinogens. Part of the research is focused on the application of debrisoquine for determining metabolic susceptibility to cancer. An impaired transformation of debrisoquine to its 4-hydroxy metabolite is an example of genetically determined inhibition of oxidation processes. Based on the ratio between the urinary concentration of free debrisoquine and its 4-hydroxy metabolite after oral administration of Declinax ( 10 mg), the general population can be classified either as slow or fast oxidators. In order to determine urinary debrisoquine and its 4-hydroxy metabolite level, an attempt was made to elaborate the conditions of gas chromatographic assay using capillary columns. The study was carried out with Hewlett-Packard gas Chromatograph at the automatically adjusted temperature, using NPD detector.