Jak na razie niezależnie od stosowanych parametrów pracy dojarek mechanicznych, podczas doju, tkanki strzyków ulegają rozciągającym odkształceniom. Nawet tesame parametry u różnych typów dojarek inaczej oddziałują na wymię.
The milking machines are the only technical equipment which is routine applied to the cow twice a day and directly affecting the teat tissue. Despite wide variation in teat conformation and physiological changes in teat characteristics throughout lactation, the same milking unit is used for all cows in a herd. The variability of teats on the one hand and relative by rigid teat cups on the other, cause the risk of mechanical damages of the teat tissue. All parts and parameters of a milking unit are working together and the impact of one component on the teat tissue may be interfered by another. Thus, it is nearly impossible to evaluate each factor separately. Despite this difficulty,the description of the main components of a milking unit and the functional parameters with regard to the teat tissue treatment seems to be worthwhile. 98