The strategic aim of energetic policy of the EU countries is to enlarge the share of energy from renewable sources and thus in considerable part from plant biomass. The necessity of keeping in fallow considerable cropland areas, hard economic situation of the rural population and other economic regards may increase the interest in such plants production in Poland. The prognosis suggest that an important role can play the cultivation of fast-growing plants, to which the Miscanthus x giganteus grass belongs. The attention paid to possibility of growing grass from Miscanthus species resulted mainly from high biomass yield and its favourable chemical composition. A little researches concerning the Miscanthus x giganteus was conducted in Poland until now. Majority of the results pewsented here originated from foreign, mainly German literature. In spite of many institutions engaged in realization of projects connected with hiomass production from fast-growing grasses, the cultivation of Miscanthus x gigaęteus in Germany did not achieve the planned area. Actually the greatest areas of this grass are localized in Baden-Wirttemberg and North Westfall - the regions of relauvely mild climate. It is hard to f orsee in which areas Miscanthus x giganteus may be grown in Poland because there is lack of detailed studies concerning its cultivation possibility under climatic-soil conditions of our country.