Oznaczono zawartość rtęci ogółem w takich gatunkach grzybów jak: podgrzybek zajączek, koźlarz babka, maślak zwyczajny, maślak żółty, gąska ziemista, czubajka kania, pieczarka polowa, lejkówka wonna, twardzioszek przydrożny i gołąbek gryszpanowy, zebranych w okolicy Pajęczna (woj. częstochowskie) w latach 1995-96. Przedstawiono dostępne dane z piśmiennictwa o zawartości rtęci w koźlarzu babce, maślaku zwyczajnym, maślaku żółtym, maślaku pstrym, maślaku sitarzu i czubajce kani z terenu kraju.
Mercury concentration was determined in the caps and stalks of nine species of edible mushrooms collected at the area of Wieluńska Upland in district of Częstochowa in 1995-96. The mushroom species examined were such as: yellow-cracking boJete Xerocomus subtomentosus, brown birch scaber stalk Leccinum scabrum, slippery Jack Suillus luteus, latch bolete Suillus grevillei, gray knight-cap Tricholoma terre um, parasol mushroom Macrolepiota procera, horse mushroom Agaricus arvensis, fennel funnel cap Clitocybe odora, fairy-ring mushroom Marasmius oreades and tacky green brittle gills Russula aereuginea. The method of mercury measurement was cold-vapour atomic absorption spectroscopy (CV-AAS) after wet digestion of the samples with concentrated nitric acid in a whole glass system. The parasol mushroom and horse mushroom showed a higest mercury concentrations and contained, respectively, 4500±1700 and 4400±2400 ng/g dry wt in caps, and 2800±1300 and 2800±2100 ng/g dry wt in stalks. In the case of fennel funnel cap and fairy-ring mushroom the mean total mercury concentrations in caps was above 500 ng/g dry wt, and for other species were between 150±50 and 500±230 ng/g dry wt. The stalks of the mushroom species examined in all cases showed lower contamination with mercury than caps. The mean total mercury concentrations noted in caps and stalks of mushrooms examined were usually higher than was reported till now in the same species elsewhere in Poland, while a maximum values found in an individual fruiting bodies are within the range of the concentrations noted in specimens collected from an unpolluted areas.