W wybranych ziołach i preparatach ziołowych stosowanych w terapii wątroby oraz dróg żółciowych oznaczono zawartość sodu i potasu za pomocą absorpcyjnej spektrometrii atomowej. Stwierdzono, że ilości tych pierwiastków w wyciągach wodnych z ziół mogą uzupełniać, w czasie trwania kuracji, wymagane zapotrzebowanie organizmu na sód i potas.
The aim of this study was to determine the content of sodium and potassium in selected herbs, aa˛ueous extract of herbs and herbal liquid preparations used to treat hepatic and biliary tract disorders. The samples were dry mineralised at 450°C. Sodium and potassium contents were determined by atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) directly from the mineralizate using a SOLAAR M5 unit. The content of sodium fitted into the range between 0.03 mg/g (Cholitol and Solaren, liquid herbal preparations) and 1.27 mg/g (Cholagoga II). The degree of sodium extraction from dry herbal samples to aqueous phase was from 51.9% to 80.9%. Potassium content ranged on the average from 0.86 mg/g in the liquid herbal preparation (Solaren) to 38.59 mg/g (Chelidonii herba). The degree of extraction of this element from the herbs to their aqueous extracts ranged from 61.5% to 86.4%. The infusions or decoctions obtained from the examined herbs, used during the cure, may constitute an additional source of sodium and potassium for the human organism.