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2007 | 31 | 1-2 |

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Rewitalizacja miast w polityce panstwa


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Revitalisation of towns in state policy

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Pod pojęciem „polityka rewitalizacji miast" należy rozumieć całokształt działań mających na celu rozwiązywanie problemów mieszkańców i aktywizacji gospodarczej obszarów zdegradowanych (kryzysowych) oraz osiąganie zysków z renty gruntowej w wyniku realizacji projektów rewitalizacyjnych. Przedmiotem artykułu są działania państwa polskiego na rzecz rewitalizacji miast na tle polityki w tym zakresie, prowadzonej przez UE oraz kraje Europy Zachodniej.
The article assesses the activity of the Polish state in favour of solving problems of degraded urban territories on the background of policy towards towns and their revitalisation carried out by the EU and the selected member states. Presented are results of analyses and the evaluation of legal, institutional and financial foundations for revitalisation of towns in Poland and decisions regarding the development and revitalisation of towns contained in the planners' documents on national, regional and local level. Results of the research indicate that since 1990 the Polish state failed to work out urban policy and revitalisation of degraded areas. Domestic planners' documents of strategic character should present Poland's strategic goals and the ways of achieving them not only with the help of European funds but also of Polish public resources. However, neither financial nor institutional instruments facilitating the revitalisation of old housing areas have been provided in the documents. In the years 2004-2006 the lack or inadequate preparation of local revitalisation programmes were a barrier in gaining EU funds for revitalisation. In the new, 2007-2013 financial perspective, in the situation of decentralisation of the cohesion policy in Poland (introduced maybe too early), operational programmes of certain provinces in which problems of development and revitalisation of towns have not been adequately formulated, can constitute such a barrier. Troubles may be expected in provincial self-governments drawing up of integrated town development plans tobe attached to the regional operational programmes. They are indispensable in setting the ranking of projects assigned for co-financing from public resources both Polish and the European Union's. The process of drawing up revitalisation programmes requires knowledge and time. Necessary is aid on the part of experts possessing knowledge and abilities not only in the field of revitalisation of degraded areas, but also in solving their social and economic problems. The lack of personnel can be overcome thanks to government's support for adequate educational programmes and research on the revitalisation of towns. It is up to the state to create legal frameworks for the modernisation of towns and metropolitan areas. The adoption of the law became urgent not only because of the considerable degree of degradation of urban areas, but also due to the need of appropriate use of EU structural funds earmarked for revitalisation of towns in the years 2007-2013. A special law would be an expression of state policy towards towns and their revitalisation. The law should concentrate on the limitation of territorial expansion of towns through using the degraded urban areas as investment sites. The European Union and Polish town planners recommend such policy. Apart from that, the law should focus on: - solving problems of inhabitants of degraded areas (crisis), - economic activation of those areas and - renewal of their management. The law should regulate the most essential questions, among other things: - organisation of the entire revitalisation process, composed of the preparatory and implementation stages, - planning and programming actions within the framework of spatial and development planning system, - financing of undertakings with the indication of the sources of financing and instruments motivating private entities to participate in the implementation of projects, - forms of social participation ensuring adequate flow of information and participation of local communities in decision-making. While preparing the law, use should be made of legal solutions functioning in EU countries, some solutions proposed in the hitherto bills and practical experience of those towns, which started the revitalisation process before Poland's accession to the European Union and which worked out their own solutions, especially of organisational and financial character. The following assumptions are proposed as basic: - revitalisation of degraded areas is an action in public interest, - revitalisation process requires coordination, which can be assured by setting up an institution managing the programme, - revitalisation programme must be tied with other planners' documents of local and regional level, - separate principles of real estate management, including extended buying preference are in force in areas subjected to revitalisation, - public financial means, not only European but also domestic (government and self- -government) for the implementation of undertakings must be secured, - it is necessary to pinpoint instruments motivating private investors to take part in the renovation of housing resources thanks to the financial aid of the state, - public-private partnership should taken account of in the implementation of undertakings, - indispensable is the participation of local community during the entire revitalisation process (from the preparation of the programme and site plan to their implementation). Owing to the complexity of revitalisation actions (mainly for social and ownership reasons), adequate legal regulations should be stipulated in a "special" (separate) law, which would be in force on a given crisis territory in a set period of the implementation of the revitalisation programme. Necessary will also be changes in the regulations of other laws and primarily in the Law on planning and spatial development, the Law on real estate management, the Law on public-private partnership and in self-government laws. Apart from that, systemic changes will have to be made in the field of legislation concerning development planning and spatial development announced by the current government. The more important postulates concerning the systemic changes in planning - from the point of view of town development and revitalisation include: - integration of socio-economic and spatial planning facilitating the elaboration of integrated plans of local self-government entities development, - correction of the spatial development system leading to the creation of foundations for managing the development of local self-government entities taking into account the EU requirements and standards regarding gaining structural funds for the development of local self-government entities (including possible introduction of operational town planning instruments applied in western countries),, - recording of decisions concerning the development and revitalisation of towns in documents made out on the national, regional, metropolitan area and town scale, - achievement of coherence of decisions on all planning stages. Town development is currently understood as its integrated revitalisation in the technical, social, economic and environmental aspects. Planning the revitalisation process requires strategic planning in relation to the entire town area facilitating the delineation of prioriterised areas and operational programming in relation to the individual crisis areas.








Opis fizyczny



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