The amount and structure of spring barley yields were investigated in the years 1994 - 1996 at an experimental plot of Department of Crop Production situated in Prusy near Cracow. The response of spring barley (three cultivars) to nitrogen fertilization rates and rows spacing were tested. The optimum nitrogen rate as calculated in this manner is: 30 kg through the soil and 25 kg by foliar spray. It was found that cultivars sown on narrower spacing yielded the same like grown on wider space between rows. Yield components determining productivity of spring barley were analysed using the method of multiple correlation. Analysis of multiple correlation showed that grain yield was affected most of all by the number of ears per area unit and to lesser extent by the weight of 1,000 grains. Nitrogen fertilization rates (55 and 75 kg) effected on increase of culm length but ear length only on the 1st level.