W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań dotyczące stopnia zanieczyszczenia całodziennych racji pokarmowych ołowiem, kadmem i rtęcią wybranych grup ludności z terenu Wielkopolski. Oceny dokonano na podstawie oszacowania Tymczasowego Tolerowanego Tygodniowego Pobrania (PTWI) oraz Indeksu Zdrowotności Diety (IZD).
Based on food consumption data obtained from 24-h dietary recall among school children and university students, intake of lead, cadmium and mercury with daily food rations by various population groups of the Wielkopolska region was assessed. The level of the metal contaminants in daily food rations differed with each contaminant, while the period of data collection affected contaminant level for lead only, lead level being higher in the 1990's. The values of the Provisional Tolerable Weekly Intake were not exceeded for any of the three contaminants. The calculated values of the Diet Health Index were usually higher than 1.0 nad lower than 2ADI/PT, where ADI = Admissible Daily Intake, and PT = mean content of the toxic agent in the daily food ration; this indicates that the content of the nutrients which protect the organism from the adverse effects of the contaminants was suitable.