The study aimed at determining whether teeth defects in chinchillas (Chinchilla laniger), consisting in excessive growth of I, P, and M1-M3 teeth, bring about differences in the value of cranial breadth-length traits in those rodents. The examinations were made on 109 skulls of somatically mature chinchilla females aged 1 to 3 years. The skull's weight and that of mandible was determined, as well as 48 craniometrical traits of the braincase and the splanchno-cranium was measured. For each craniometrical trait, its mean value, standard deviation, and minimum and maximum values were determined, as well as cranial indices and simple correlations between the traits were calculated. Statistical analysis did not show normal distribution of traits. It was showed that the mean skull weight as well as that of the mandible in chinchillas without teeth defects was significantly lower than in animals with such defects. On the other hand, teeth defects brought about differences in the basic values of metrical traits for the lateral part of skull, basal skull, and mandible. No differences were found in the values of the nuchal part traits of the examined chinchilla skulls.