Badano teksturę i jakość sensoryczną kiełbas drobno rozdrobnionych typu parówkowej wyprodukowanych z dodatkiem skrobi modyfikowanej E1412. Wzrost ilości wprowadzanej skrobi uwodnionej 3-krotnie (12%) do farszu wędlinowego spowodował statystycznie istotne obniżenie pożądalności konsumenckiej i tekstury badanych kiełbas.
Quality of model finely comminuted sausages, produced with the addition of modified potato starch substituting fat in the products, was analysed in the study. Fat was replaced with a 3 x rehydrated substitute in the amount of 6%, 9% and 12%. Sausage with no starch added constituted the control. Sausage texture was analysed instrumentally using an Instron universal testing machine. At the same time a semi-sensory consumer trait analysis was conducted for the sausages. Along with the increasing fat substitution level, some parameters characterizing sausage texture decreased in comparison to the control sausage. These differences were statistically significant for sausage in which 12% of fat was replaced by modified potato starch. The results were confirmed in the consumer trait sensory analysis. An increase of the amount of starch introduced to sausage batter at the level of 12% resulted in a statistically significant deterioration of consumer desirability of the tested sausages. The calorific value of sausages produced with a 6%, 9% and 12% fat substitution by potato starch decreased by 18.4%, 31.2% and 42.6%, respectively, in comparison to the control sausage.