The purpose of the study is to obtain the answer to the question weather urban development has influence - and if so - on interdiurnal changes of air temperature. The answer is of considerable importance because many climatological stations, from which data for temperature changes studies comes from, are placed in towns. Data taken for the study were the daily values of mean daily temperature, maximum and minimum temperature for the 5 year period 1961-1965 from 5 climatological stations in Warsaw. The analyais of mean monthly values of temperature changes, frequency of changes of different size as well as course of temperature in chosen months has proved, that urban development most strongly influences interdiurnal changes of the minimal temperature, decreasing its average value and the frequency of appearance of extremely high changes. Such influence is most strongly observed in winter, when on the turn of spring and summer in the town's center interdiurnal changes of the maximum temperature may be a little higher. The influence of urban development on air temperature changes turned out to be dependent on the amount of cloudiness and wind velocity (bigger influence when smaller cloudiness and low wind velocity), and also from the direction of wind (larger changes on the windward side of the city).