W oparciu o proste modele enzymatycznego trawienia białka - kazeiny in vitro oznaczono stopień oddziaływania między wprowadzonymi do układu azotanami a wybranymi polifenolami. Aktywność polifenoli określano na podstawie ilości azotanów (III) i (V) przechodzących do dializatu. Stwierdzono, że interakcje polifenoli zachodzą głównie z azotanami (III).
The aim of this study was to determine interactions of polyphenols with nitrates and nitrites during the enzymatic protein (casein) digestion. Polyphenols activity was determined according to the amounts of nitrates and nitrites in the dialysation fluid (percentage of dialysis). Our studies revealed significant polyphenols interactions with nitrites and only slight with nitrates. We also confirmed the synergy of some polyphenols in their influence on nitrites. Maximal activity was measured in the (-)-epicatechine - Coffein acid condition. Here the dicrease in nitrite concentration was 88 %.