Do badań użyto próbek mleka surowego z fermy wzorcowej, do którego dodawano wybrane środki chemii gospodarczej znajdujące się w handlu oraz penicylinę krystaliczną. Wyznaczono najmniejsze stężenia hamujące wzrost szczepu wzorcowego w dwóch testach mikrobiologicznych. Zbadano zmiany zachodzące w rozproszeniu światła przez mleko pod wpływem obecności substancji hamujących.
In the present studies use was made of raw milk derived from a model farm in the Olsztyn voivodeship. Washing and washing-disinfecting agents: Mirax, Bis, Radion, Iosan CP, Rudlak and lxi, as well as crystalline penicillin were added to milk. Their lowest concentrations inhibiting growth of indicator strain (MIC): Bacillus stearothermophilus var. calidolactis C 953, were determined by two microbiological tests. Moreover, the changes in light diffusion by milk, caused by the applied inhibitory substances, were examined. It was found that the microbiological tests for the determination of the lowest inhibitory concentration of the sanitization agents and of penicillin were much more sensitive in the case of milk with a 0.05% fat content, as compared with whole milk.