Analizie poddano szczepy gronkowców koagulazo-ujemnych (CNS) izolowanych z ran od pacjentów hospitalizowanych na oddziale oparzeniowym i chirurgii ogólnej. Oceniano zależność pomiędzy zdolnością wytwarzania śluzu, stopniem adhezji do cewnika żylnego, hydrofobowością komórki bakteryjnej i wrażliwością na antybiotyki.
The aim of the study was to analysis of the adhesion factors of coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS) to intravenous catheter: ability to adhesion, slime production, hydrophobicity of surface of cells and susceptibility to antibiotics. The researches heve been done on CNS strains isolated from cardiosurgical patients. Slime production ability was evaluated using plate method according to Christensen and Congo Red Agar method. Adherence of bacterial strains to intravenous catheter (polytetrafluoroethylene) in vitro was determined using the method of Richards. Hydrophobicity of surface of cells was determined on the basis of agregattion in (NH4)2S04 Susceptibility to antibiotics was determined using the disc-diffusion method. Out of the analyzed strains 19% were labeled as slime producing in the plate method and 14% in the Congo red Agar method. 43% of analyzed strains were found to have TTC reduction of 3+, 19% of 2+ and 28% of 1+. Among these 10% of the assesed strains did not reduce TTC.