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Ekstensywnosc zarazenia kotow Toxoplasma gondii w Poznaniu i jego okolicy w aspekcie niebezpieczenstwa inwazji tego pierwotniaka dla czlowieka


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In my studies 357 cats were examined talking into account their age, sex, breed and environment. The blood was tested for the presence of antibodies of T. gondii (Toxo-Screen DA, bioMérieux). Also 149 cats were examined for the presence of oocysts T. gondii in the feces (Füllebom's method). The antibodies were found in 252 (70.6%) cats out of 357 examined ones. Whereas oocysts were found only in one case (0.8%) out of 149 examined cats. 55 persons from environment of positive cats were examined. The presence of T. gondii antibodies was detected in 31 persons (56.4%).








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s.693-704, rys.,tab.,bibliogr.


  • Prywatna Klinika Weterynaryjna, Ks.Mieszka I 18, 61-689 Poznan


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