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2007 | 53 | 4 |

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Ogniu, krocz za mna: Ekologia i polityka pozarow lasow Ameryki Polnocnej


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Fire, walk with me: Ecology and politics of forest fires in North America

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I reviewed the ecological and socio-political issues associated with wildfires in North America. I focused on three management practices: (1) restoration of “healthy” forests in western US, (2) postfire (salvage) logging, and (3) the use of ciearcutting to imitate natural disturbances (so called “emulation silviculture”). It has been argued that fire suppression in forests historically dominated by Ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) has resulted in changes in their structure and species composition, accumulation of fuels, and increased frequency and area of severe fires (Fig. 1). These problems are being addressed by thinning and prescribed burning, but implementing these actions in mid- and high-elevation forests is controversial because these forests have not been impacted by fire suppression. Salvage logging is intended to recoup economic losses, enhance regeneration and reduce fire risk. However, recent research indicates that postfire logging achieves only the first goal, while hindering regeneration and increasing woody fuel loads. Forest harvest is unlikely to substitute wildfires because of differences in size distribution, frequency, and ecological consequences of the anthropogenic and natural disturbances. While the important ecological role of forest fires is being increasingly recognized, fire management is still facing unresolved problems. Moreover, the ongoing climate warming will make it even more challenging.








Opis fizyczny



  • University of Montana, Missoula, MT 59812, USA


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