In 1987-1990 the effect of 120 and 240 kg N/ha fertilization and liming on the botanical composition of sward was estimated. The field experiments were performed at Nowa Bystrzyca. One experiment was placed at 630 m a.s.l. on the flat surface. The soil was classified as brown acidic (pH-4,0) formed of silty loam. Another experiment was placed at 640 m a.s.l. on a 7-8° slope on north - east exposition. The soil was brown acidic (pH-3,9) formed of strong loamy sand. At both the stands the soils are poor in phosphorus and rich in potassium. During the four years of use and fertilization the botanical composition of the sward had changed. This applies to both the different stands. Fertilization caused an increase in the fodder the red festuce and common bent grass on the slope, whereas diversity of grasses was found on the flat surface.