W rejonie Pomorza Środkowego wykazano niedobór miedzi w glebie, paszach i surowicy krwi krów. Zawartość miedzi w organizmie krów zależała od ich stanu fizjologicznego oraz od poziomu tego pierwiastka w glebie i paszach, stosowanych w żywieniu. Deficyt miedzi w badanych stadach krów wymaga zwiększania jej podaży w dawkach pokarmowych.
The aim of the paper was to evaluate the copper content in soil, feeds and the blood serum of cows in the region of Central Pomerania. The research results obtained show that the shortage of copper occurred in the analysed region. The copper content in the blood serum of cows depended on their physiological state and the level of this element in the soil and feeds applied in cow nutrition. The successive lactation weeks and the lower content of copper in soil and feed reduced the concentration of this microelement in the blood serum of cows. The copper deficiency in the studied cow herds should be reduced by the addition to the feed rations of mineral supplements which include copper.